My Name is Briggs

[Obligatory monologue parody]

I spent several months on IMDb and found myself in purgatory. I started becoming the very thing I fought against. I have now come to start my own blog in an effort to enjoy Arrow once more. In order to do this, I must traverse the entirety of the show, in whatever way possible, post by post and episode by episode.

I must become someone else. I must become something else.

[Obligatory monologue parody over]

Truthfully, I just want to write about the show. LOL Anyone who’s been on the IMDB Arrow message board will tell you it is notorious for being incredibly negative. So, for my own sanity and to restore whatever enjoyment I may still have for this series, I have left that purgatory and start anew here. I may still deal with those who don’t agree with me, but I hope to find many new friends, as well.

We’ve all had our own island experiences, and I hope to make this bastian in the storm. I will do my best to not make this a place of negativity, but nor will I shy from the parts I didn’t necessarily like. I just don’t plan to focus on them. That’s the way of the extreme stans, the ones who decide EBR is fat, or Katie Cassidy had a chin implant. I do not plan to take that route.

Nor do I plan to unabashedly worship Arrow. This is not an idol on a shrine, and I’m not going to treat it like one. However, even though there were things I didn’t like about the show, I stuck around for the things I loved, and I plan to give those more airtime, even as I acknowledge the faults therein.

I’m not perfect. I don’t claim to be here to save the show. This is about saving myself, and I hope others will enjoy taking my journey with me. As we all find things to help us through until the show comes back in October, may we not feed into the rampant negativity and instead celebrate the fact that comic book shows are finally getting their due.

(Note: I also don’t participate in the Marvel vs. DC debate. Obviously, I’m a lady of DC, but that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate what Marvel has to offer. I also don’t think DC is better than Marvel. It’s merely that I’ve read more DC in recent years, and so have more invested in their storylines.)

I hope to update soon with the pilot and to continue posting on a semi-regular basis. My goal is to finish all three seasons before the end of the summer. I hope you will support me in my cause.

Let’s rediscover the joy of Arrow together.

Briggs (formerly known as AlmiraBat)

Published by: briggslianyublog

A DC fan since the age of 9, comic fan since 13, and fan of Arrow since the pilot. Excited for Season 5. I work as a hostess in a restaurant, write fic for obscure romances like GoldenVibe, and am sometimes buried in yarn projects. Well, you know, sometimes you have to take out a few rows to fix a glaring problem...


6 thoughts on “My Name is Briggs”

    1. I loved the opening Al. Yeah IMDb is a horrible place. Hopefully next season is better. I’ll be checking your blog out when I need to get away from the hatred.


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